Temple Sinai Services
Temple Sinai hosts a range of services for Shabbat, festivals, and High Holy Days. Services are led by our volunteer community service leaders.
Shabbat Shacharit - weekly Shabbat morning services, followed by a community Kiddush.
Kabbalat Shabbat - monthly Kabbalat Shabbat service, followed by a shared meal.
Tot Shabbat - monthly service for pre-schoolers and their caregivers.
Shabbat Shiur - study session exploring the weekly parasha.
Pride Shabbat - Shabbat services and gatherings run by the Rainbow community for our LGBTQ+ members and friends. ​​
Festivals and High Holy Days - we hold services for most major festivals, and traditional services for the High Holy Days.
Most services are also streamed via Zoom.
Visitors are welcome to attend services with prior arrangement. All details are available through the Temple Office.