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23rd Sept / 20th Elul - Sue Esterman

23rd Sept / 20th Elul

Community can truly be a wonderful thing!

Being part of a community can be a truly wonderful thing.

For the last half-century, I’ve been a part of the Temple Sinai community – starting in the deep south when I began my journey to Judaism, with David, my husband, as my first teacher.

I’ve been privileged to serve it, but also to benefit from its strength in times when it was most needed. It’s precious, like family, and like family we need to support it to the

absolute best of our ability. As we go through this month of Elul, I encourage you to count the blessings you have in being part of this great kehilla, and to support it

however you can.

Without community we are just a disparate collection of people.With it, we can support and encourage each other, learn from each other, and together be better in all aspects of our life.

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