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Temple Sinai runs a range of education activities for those looking to extend their understanding and knowledge of Judaism, and those just starting out on their journey.


Children and B'nei Mitzvah Learning

  • Tot Shabbat: a monthly service for the under-fives and their families

  • Beit Midrash: our Hebrew school programme which meets on Sunday mornings for children from Year 1 until B'nei Mitzvah age. For more information or to enrol, please contact our office.

  • B’nei Mitzvah: we offer B'nei Mitzvah for children with at least one Jewish parent. For more information, please contact our office.



Temple Sinai provides a conversion programme through the Union for Progressive Judaism for those committed to joining the Jewish faith. Conversion requires a formal in-depth study course, regular attendance at services and consistent Jewish religious practice for at least one to two years prior to conversion.


Women's and Men's groups

  • The Rosh Chodesh women's group gathers monthly for prayer, text study and nosh. Please contact our office if you would like to be added to the mailing list.

  • The men's group meets monthly on the full moon. Please contact our office if you would like to attend.


Study Groups  

The Shiur Torah study group meets every Shabbat morning at 9am at the Temple and on Zoom.



Many Temple Sinai members enthusiastically attend and present at LIMMUD NZ, our annual festival of Jewish learning. LIMMUD is a global movement that delivers engaging Jewish education to communities around the world and connects Jews with a shared passion and dedication to learning. ​



Our library holds a wonderful collection of Jewish books on almost any topic you could think of, including Jewish history, Israel, Torah commentaries and rabbinics. We also have a great selection of Jewish children's books. Members are permitted to borrow books. Our digital catalogue can be found here.

 Temple Sinai


+64 4 385 0720

Wellington New Zealand

©2023 Temple Sinai

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